In this webinar, Lisa Beirn and Matt Giese examine the changing weather trends in the United States, review the most prevalent snow mold diseases, and offer strategies to help prevent and manage snow mold.
Planning a Snow Mold Prevention Program (1:08:48)
ABW: Reaching Optimal Control (1:05:43)
Comprehensive Look at Controlling Anthracnose (1:09:58)
New Approaches to Fairy Ring & Mini Ring in Bermudagrass (1:10:05)
Spring Dead Spot & Take-all Root Rot Prevention (51:10)
Strategies for Managing Dollar Spot and Brown Patch (59:24)
Effective Large Patch Management in Zoysiagrass (1:12:32)
Turf Tips for Current Conditions (1:11:10)
Maximize Spring Quality of Bermudagrass Greens (59:36)
Solutions for Managing Grassy Weeds (1:07:04)
Dollar Spot: New Research and Technology (1:08:35)
Planning a Snow Mold Prevention Program (1:15:23)
Agronomic Programs: Managing Plant Stress & Disease Management (1:06:39)
Preventing Spring Dead Spot (1:02:16)
Poa annua Control and Resistance Management (1:15:47)
Positive Environmental Actions for Your Golf Course (1:00:25)
PGR 101: Back to the Basics (1:12:49)
Effective Management of Turfgrass Patch Diseases (1:14:23)
How Plant Activators Work (51:14)
DMI Chemistry 101 (1:06:49)
Azoxystrobin and Plant Health (56:20)
Understanding Fungicide Differences (1:04:10)
Management and Control of Southern Turf Insects (51:10)
Myths & Misconceptions of Pythium Diseases (1:04:54)
Management and Control of Northern Turf Insects (53:24)
Proactive Management of the Annual Bluegrass Weevil (1:09:31)
Diagnosing & Managing Nematodes - The Latest in Nematode Control (1:14:54)
How to Diagnose and Manage Mole Crickets (1:01:05)
Bringing Impatiens Back (1:11:01)
An Agronomic Approach to Spring Pest Management (57:02)
How to sample for nematodes (3:04)
Common misdiagnosis for nematode damage (1:45)
Is my nematicide treatment working? (2:36)
Relationship between nematodes and diseases (2:36)
Look Beyond the Label (1:23)
Integrated Pest Management (2:27)
Hydraulic Spray Application (1:20)
Inspect Application Equipment Regularly (1:15)
Proper Application Techniques (3:07)
Testing Effectiveness of Equipment (3:16)
ABW Larvae: Monitoring and Scouting using a Salt Flush (2:47)
ABW Larvae: Detect and Monitor with Soil Core Sampling (1:29)
ABW Adults: Monitoring and Scouting using a Soap Flush (2:24)
Avoid costly mixing mistakes (9:47)
What's your pH level? (5:15)
Sprayer Calibration Training (7:09)
Mole Crickets: Monitoring using a Soap Flush (2:31)
Mole Crickets: Tips for Scouting (1:24)
How do Posterity XT and Posterity Forte Fungicides Compare? (0:34)
Introducing Long-Lasting Disease Control with Posterity Forte Fungicide (2:24)
Posterity XT: Broad-Spectrum, Long-Lasting Disease Control in Motion (4:37)
Ascernity Fungicide Controls Anthracnose at Winged Foot Golf Club (0:59)
Protecting Zoysiagrass with Ascernity (1:41)
Gain Control of Turfgrass Diseases with Ascernity (2:16)
2020 Brown Patch Trial with Ascernity, Posterity XT and Posterity Forte Fungicides (0:54)
Control Anthracnose with Ascernity (0:30)
Ascernity Fungicide at Manufacturersā Golf Club in Fort Washington, PA (0:29)
Putt for a Chance to Win in our #PosterityPuttingChallenge (0:38)
Get Your Putt On with the #PosterityPuttingChallenge (0:54)
Get Proven Disease Control with Three Turf Innovations (0:25)
Posterity Forte Puts Strong, Focused Disease Control Into Motion (1:08)
Posterity XT Offers Broad-Spectrum, Long-Lasting Disease Control (1:04)
Long-lasting Dollar Spot Control with Posterity XT (2:02)
Guaranteed Protection With Syngenta Large Patch Prevention (2:26)
Ascernity Fungicide: Gain a New Perspective on Large Patch Control (1:08)
Excellent Spring Dead Spot Control with Posterity Forte (2:11)
Experience New Root Development with Divanem Nematicide (1:07)
Season-Long Control with Acelepryn Insecticide (0:25)
Quicker Recovery from Drought Stress with Secure Action (0:52)
Manuscript Herbicide delivers excellent turf safety + efficacy (03:08)
Secure Action Fungicide Provides Enhanced Dollar Spot Control (0:56)
Taking action against dollar spot (1:30)
Provaunt WDG insecticide provides powerful turf pest control (0:32)
The Power of Posterity Fungicide for Spring Dead Spot Control (1:47)
A program approach to spring dead spot control (1:49)
Turfgrass Fungicide Trials (03:02)
Bio-inspired explosive performance of Medallion SC (1:23)
Lane Tredway, Ph.D. talks nematodes with (4:43)
2016 Major League Baseball Symposium (9:03)
Advion Fire Ant Bait Comparison Trials (0:37)
Weevil Trak and the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy (1:48)
Anthracnose Control Program Timelapse (1:17)
Solving Problems, Driving Revenue with Secure Fungicide (1:05)
Secure Fungicide Time-Lapse: Dollar Spot Control (1:01)
Controlling the Uncontrollable with Secure Fungicide (1:39)
Tenacity Herbicide (1:59)
Daconil Action Time-Lapse Video (0:53)
Endeavor Insecticide (1:27)
Mainspring Insecticide (2:12)
Suspension comparison: Mural vs. Pageant fungicides (0:32)
Appear fungicide timelapse: Anthracnose control (01:07)
Primo Maxx Clippings Comparison (0:36)
Daconil Action drought tolerance study (0:54)
Acelepryn Provides Lawn Care Operators with Season-Long Control (:49)
Lawn Care Operators Choose Acelepryn for Season-Long Control (:48)
Acelepryn Insecticide Offers Superintendents in the South Season-Long Grub Control (0:41)
Superintendents in the Northeast Found Season-Long Grub Control with Acelepryn Insecticide (0:48)
Season-Long Grub Control in the Midwest with Acelepryn Insecticide (0:41)
Season-Long Grub Control with Acelepryn Insecticide in the Western U.S. (0:34)
Ladies Leading Turf Event at GIS 2020 (3:49)
Ladies Leading Turf Recap from GIS 2019 (4:19)
Recover at the 100th PGA Championship at Bellerive Country Club (3:24)
Perform at the 100th PGA Championship at Bellerive Country Club (4:17)
Condition ahead of the 100th PGA Championship at Bellerive Country Club (4:46)
Success Story: Sports turf at The Episcopal Academy (3:37)
Success Story: John Nelson, Superintendent of the Merit Club (2:36)
What to Expect When Switching to Provaunt Insecticide (1:47)
Taking Preventative Steps Against Ants (1:04)
Using Advion as a Spot Treatment Against Mole Crickets (1:23)
Tips for Controlling Fire Ants with a Limited Team (1:19)
Applying Trimmit 2CS Before a Frost (1:19)
How to Mitigate Bronzing in Turfgrass (1:05)
The Best Combination Sprays for Spring 2020 (3:31)
Using the Max Rate for Primo Maxx (1:32)
Timing Turf Treatments Around Aerification (0:50)
Lessening Turf Stress for Quick Recovery (1:22)