Spiio wins Golfdom’s 2022 Super’s Choice Award

Let’s play favorites! Superintendents chose Spiio sensors as one of their favorite products available for golf maintenance. Here's why:

“It’s a great technology. Having just another tool to assist in our agronomic decisions that can come at the touch of a button on your phone is going to certainly be helpful as we continue to get more and more automated and have more challenging decisions to make as superintendents.”

— Alex Stuedemann, CGCS, director of agronomy, PGA Tour Network

Spiio: Four Sensors, One Wireless Device

Powered by wireless soil sensors, the Spiio system automatically feeds hyperlocal soil information to a cloud-based dashboard. Superintendents get hourly insights on root zone moisture, salt accumulation, light quality over time and temperature variations — without the need for physical data collection. 

Temperature sensor

  • Ranges from -4 to 158 °F (-20 to 70 °C)

Light sensor

  • Bury with top exposed to collect light volume data

Moisture sensor

  • Capacitive sensor calibrated to measure volumetric water content displayed as a percentage

Salinity sensor

  • Displays soil electrical conductivity in dS/m, mS/cm or TDS

Discover how you can get precision soil data at your fingertips at Spiio.GreenCastOnline.com.

Spiio sensor and an iPhone displaying the Spiio dashboard.

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