- Tips for Eradicating European Pepper Moths
While not the most common ornamental insect, the European pepper moth (Duponchelia fovealis) can cause significant plant damage as populations rise in the late summer, impacting a wide variety of crops, including herbaceous plants, annuals, perennials, woody ornamentals and poinsettias.
While not the most common ornamental insect, the European pepper moth (Dupo...
- Successful Mum Production Starts with a Proven Agronomic Plan
- Tips for Maintaining Healthy Plants Through Shipping
Itās critical to consider strategies to protect your crops from diseases and insects as they are being transported to retail to ensure crop quality and salability. Be sure to make final fungicide and insecticide applications to protect crops as they head to consumersā landscapes. This stage in production is also a good time to consider a plant growth regulator (PGR) to help plants stay uniform and compact on retail shelves.
Itās critical to consider strategies to protect your crops from diseases an...
- Mastering Mum Production with Mainspring GNL
Many garden mums are grown outdoors in the summer months, exposing them to conditions favorable for insects. To help ensure healthy mums by the time they reach customers in the fall, start scouting early to get ahead of insect pressure. Additionally, supplement scouting efforts with an agronomic program featuring proven products with broad-spectrum control for complete protection against common insects.
Many garden mums are grown outdoors in the summer months, exposing them to ...