Daconil ZnĀ® fungicide provides long lasting residual control of key diseases such as algae, brown patch, copper spot, Fusarium and many more.
Daconil Zn provides excellent disease control. It can be used on all golf course playing surfaces, lawns around commercial buildings (nonresidential), as well as professional and collegiate athletic fields. It is registered to control 13 turf diseases and algae in turf. It is also registered for control of 50 diseases on over 75 ornamental plants.
Group M5 Fungicide
Restricted Entry Interval:
PPE required for Applicators, Mixers or Loaders:
PPE required for Early-Entry Workers:
Banner MaxxĀ® II is a systemic fungicide that provides effective broad-spectrum disease control of more than 20 diseases at low-use rates. It enters through the surface stem or root system, and prevents fungal cell growth by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis.
HeritageĀ® is a systemic fungicide with preventive and curative properties for control of some of the toughest turf and ornamental diseases. This unique strobilurin is absorbed into leaves and sheaths when applied and also moves from the soil into the roots, providing long-lasting protection against a wide range of diseases.
Subdue MaxxĀ® fungicide offers superior control of Pythium blight. It is a microemulsion concentrate formulation providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability which contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution.
HeritageĀ®, Banner MaxxĀ®, and Subdue MaxxĀ® areĀ trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.
© Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status.